This example is provided without underlying sequences database(s), which has/have to be downloaded separately from the following links: 1. Ribosomal Database Project II at;jsessionid=81D78ABD098F7AF5EA2CC102FFAC0F4C 2. Greengenes at 3. ARB - silva at 4. other potential resources ------------------------------------------------ You can run this analysis yourself by simple modification of one line in BEsTRF parameter file(s) of your choice as described below. Other parameters are already set for ten distinct analyses for you. Thus you have ten distinct BEsTRF parameter files at hand that differ in the number of allowed primer mismatches (1mm, 2mm, 3mm), insertions and deletions (Levenshtein (L111)) as well as recognition of degenerated primer binding sites (4MPD). Therefore: »0mm« in parameters' file names mean: no allowed mismatches »1mm«, »2mm«, »3mm in parameters' file names mean: 1, 2 or 3 allowed mismatches, respectively, »4MPD« in parameters' file names mean: allow binding of primer to degenerated sites of any (up to level four) degeneracy, »L111« in parameters' file names indicates usage of Levenshtein distance where mismatches, insertions and deletions all cost one quantum of penalty, and file name part »1mm«, »2mm«, »3mm« indicates total allowed mismatching cost. ------------------------------------------------ Create a new directory on your disc and unzip the downloaded sequence database contents. The downloaded database name should now read like the following, depending on the database release: release10_7_arch_aligned.fa Optionally, you can rename the downloaded and unzipped sequence database to a name of your preference. Open all or selected BEsTRF parameter files that are provided for this demonstration in your preferred text (ASCII) editor. The names of these files start with params_....txt . In the first line there is a keyword "DNA_File_Names" after which type in the proper sequences input file name. The modified line of BEsTRF parameter file should now read like this: DNA_File_Names release10_7_arch_aligned.fa In case you decided to change the name of sequence database to e.g. myBacteria.fa the line should read like this: DNA_File_Names myBacteria.fa Now save the newly modified BEsTRF parameter file (under the same name if you intend to run BEsTRF through already prepared RunME_xxxxxxxx.bat files, or alternatively you can save the file under new name and fire up BEsTRF manually). ------------------------------------------------ Run demonstration(s) by double clicking on the appropriate file(s) RunMe_xxxxxxxx.bat Please read section 1.7 Computation time on page 8 of Users’ manual.